Monday, January 25, 2010


So while assisting on a video shoot, I was able to snag a few sweet Coca-Cola bottles and shoot them over the weekend. They were a lot of fun!

Friday, January 15, 2010

O Man, How long It Has Been

My whole last quarter of school went by so fast, I spent many hours just in the studio working and neglecting any sort of a social life.

I also enjoyed my internship with Lisa Predko. I learned a lot and really enjoyed meeting lots of new people, as well as lots of hard work. She is a great editorial and commercial photographer I really suggest you check her out!

Any ways here are some images that sum up my last quarter of school - hope you enjoy!

Here I am at my table at graduation - It was a long day, but I tried to make it fun

Colin stopped by (ok he also helped set up as well as break down too)

Just before we left to do some actual graduating ha!


These are some of my portfolio images the rest can be seen on my website.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Felipe was a pretty sweet fish that stared in some pictures that were experiments with lighting glass for Colin and I. Sadly, just a few short days after taking these pictures Felipe answered to a higher side of the fish bowl. We will miss you our fine friend.

Originally uploaded by Sarah.Julie.Bruchman

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just a reception

Last night I got to work on a reception as a job I got through school, the couple got married in Mexico and had a reception here for the family and friends that were unable to make it down.

*The following are unedited pics

Current Projects

Here are just a few current projects I have been working on for school, mostly editing for my portfolio, and a few for other classes.
By the end of this month I look forward to working on my narrative project for my portfolio class. I plan on incorporating a few friends, but more on that latter.

Just Don't Suck

Well I kinda think it was funny to hear the term "Just don't Suck" said, referring to upcoming photo assignments at a new contract job I have been working lately. It was funny to me because I once told Colin I was nervous about some photo project to which he replied, "Just don't suck". So I believe I shall take it on as a new motto or something of the sort.
New contract job! yea bout that: I recently received word from my friend Kyle about a possible photos needed for his job at Rhino Group . Fast forward a bit and hey I've taken a few pictures for a few projects. It has been a great time specially to see things that I shot put to use. (Well that sort of seems like a given, but still fun!)

photos on gear page

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A wedding and a reunion

Wow it has been a while, well I have been crazy busy with projects lately starting way back at the end of July. I shot the Plachy wedding, which was tons of fun! and then the next weekend I had a family reunion, also lots of fun!
The best part about taking pictures is getting to meet people, see their families and be invited into their lives for important events. It is always interesting to see into parts of otherwise strangers lives.
After all that I got food poisoning and was out for a bit - I do not recommend mayonnaise 3 months after its expiration date. Just sayin.
Well that should catch things up a bit.

Ok how awesome was it that Scott got to put this to use!

This was my self portrait for the night

Me with Jason and Linz :)

I took this after the reunion and thought it was funny that Charlie stuck his tongue out.